
So now, here are the 140+ words that Caleb knows, in Alphabetical order:
(He knows all the letters and numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 so those aren't included)
ah choo, airplane, Albie, Andrew, ant, animal, apple, apple sauce, arrow, Aunt Carrie, Aunt June, baa, baby, ball, balloon, bang, bark, bat, bath, bear, beep, bike, bird, Bob, bonk, boo boo, Book, bottle, bowl, box, bread, broom, brush, bubbles, bug, button, bye-bye, Ca Ca (Jessica), car, cards, cat, chair, cheese, Chicago, clock, cold, Cole, cup, dadda, dirt, dog, don't, do, door, down, drill, duck, ears, eggs, EmyOoo (Emyloo), Eric, eyes, fan, fish, flower, gate, girl, glasses, gopher, grandma, grandpa, grass, hammer, hat, hawk, heart, HeyCo (helicopter), high, hot, ice, Ice Cream, I'm me, juice, jump, knee, knife, leaves, light, lotion, low, mama, man, mine, mole, moo, moon, more, muck, ni night, Nicole, no no, nose, off, OK, on, page, pancake, park, paste, pee pee, pig, plate, please, Pooh, quack, rock, run, shells, shirt, shoe, star, Steve, tall, teeth, thank you, toast, toes, tools, trash, tray, tree, truck, uh oh, uncle, uncle chuck, Up, vacuum, water, watermelon, whoa, yay, yes....and counting daily! :)
It seems that Caleb has a more extensive vocabulary than you do. It is fun to see him growing up, at least virtually.
michael, i think you should keep the running log of words until he hits adolescence - in alphabetical order and in order of acquisition. i'm sure it could be done. (by the way, you forgot broccoli and spoon) :)
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