The Real Reason
I am an conspiracy theorist. I'll admit it. Do I believe Oswald acted alone? Being a farmer who has hunted with similar firearms, no. Do I believe the FBI had something to do with Dr. King/Malcom X assassinations, yes. Now fast forward to today. I found an interesting story as I was logging out of Hotmail. I am always redirected to the bastion of news,, where this story made its top stories: "Iran vows missile retaliation to any attack".
If you live near me, you will recall that I have talked about Iran as the reason for the "Gulf Wars" for some time now...Namely almost two years. I know, it is easy to say that it is about oil, or humanitarian issues, or the liberation and creation of a democratic nation, or on and on and on, which in most respects it is. But when have we heard that it is about Iran? Not I, and thus that is exactly why I believe that it is!
Let's look at a few things. Growing up as a child, my family attended church where an Iranian couple started attending. We became very good friends with Ali and Susan. Come to find out, they had been exiled out of their country when Ayatollah Ali Khamenei came into power (he is in power today, fyi). All their family was back there, but they were given death sentences if they returned. You can imagine what that sounded like to a 10 year old. I was astonished, that Ali would die if he traveled to see his mother! Shortly after this time, the United States supported and provided weapons to a young middle eastern leader known as Saddam Hussein as Iraq and Iran were in war with each other.
Now jump ahead to the summer of 2004. My wife Tara and I were taking a 24 day Europe vacation in May/June. Towards the end of the trip, while in Germany, I ran across an article in the Strasbourg newspaper that read something like, "...the Germans were very upset that the U.S. had decided to downsize most of its Western European bases over the next 4 years, moving them to what the Pentagon deemed as 'hotter' areas politically." Some examples were Iraq, Qatar, Afghanistan. Hmmm, what is in common with these countries? Not Hussein, Iran maybe?
Then in that year's presidential election during the first JK and GWB debate, JK was attacking GWB on the North Korean Nuclear crisis and was asking him what should be done. GWB responded by talking about unilateral talks, blah, blah, blah. Then when JK mentioned that Korea wasn't the only nuclear problem and Iran was, Bush, angrily responded, and I paraphrase, "I wake up at 5 a.m. and go through reports and messages from heads of state. I meet with international leaders through lunch, review my next days plans through dinner, and as I'm going to sleep, I going through more briefs and reports on these issues. You don't EVEN KNOW what you're talking about." Abruptly, the debate turned to a different topic. I was thinking, hmm he didn't answer the question, but like in most debates questions are never answered, but another log was thrown on my conspiracy fire.
Now here we are. Over the past 5 months a little country called Iran has garnered the attention of not only the U.S. but Russia, China, France, Great Britain, Australia, Italy, Israel and Spain, and yes, even, Germany. The United Nations Security Council has actually been meeting on how to proceed with the 'shocking announcement' that Iran is restarting its nuclear program. Restarting huh? Then today, they announce that they have mid-range missiles? Wow, that was a quick restart!
My take on it all is that the U.S. and for that matter the western world has been worried about Iran for 20 years now! That is why father Bush tried to get in there when he did. Bin Laden actually helped us out so we could go after him in Afghanistan. GWB did what his father couldn't and put our presence right next door to Iran! We are moving troops from Vietnam and Germany to the Persian Gulf area as I type. Why? Hussein is gone. And what about N. Korea? I know, they aren't a threat to Israel and oil, but what about the western U.S.? I think Iran has been building a nuclear program since the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei regime began. It has taken us 20+ years to diplomatically get into position to do something with him. It will be an interesting next few months as more of the world shifts its collective focus from Iraq to Iran.
Oh yeah, did I mention that I enjoy the movie where Mel Gibson is somewhat of a stalker of Julia Roberts? I digress...
If you live near me, you will recall that I have talked about Iran as the reason for the "Gulf Wars" for some time now...Namely almost two years. I know, it is easy to say that it is about oil, or humanitarian issues, or the liberation and creation of a democratic nation, or on and on and on, which in most respects it is. But when have we heard that it is about Iran? Not I, and thus that is exactly why I believe that it is!
Let's look at a few things. Growing up as a child, my family attended church where an Iranian couple started attending. We became very good friends with Ali and Susan. Come to find out, they had been exiled out of their country when Ayatollah Ali Khamenei came into power (he is in power today, fyi). All their family was back there, but they were given death sentences if they returned. You can imagine what that sounded like to a 10 year old. I was astonished, that Ali would die if he traveled to see his mother! Shortly after this time, the United States supported and provided weapons to a young middle eastern leader known as Saddam Hussein as Iraq and Iran were in war with each other.

Then in that year's presidential election during the first JK and GWB debate, JK was attacking GWB on the North Korean Nuclear crisis and was asking him what should be done. GWB responded by talking about unilateral talks, blah, blah, blah. Then when JK mentioned that Korea wasn't the only nuclear problem and Iran was, Bush, angrily responded, and I paraphrase, "I wake up at 5 a.m. and go through reports and messages from heads of state. I meet with international leaders through lunch, review my next days plans through dinner, and as I'm going to sleep, I going through more briefs and reports on these issues. You don't EVEN KNOW what you're talking about." Abruptly, the debate turned to a different topic. I was thinking, hmm he didn't answer the question, but like in most debates questions are never answered, but another log was thrown on my conspiracy fire.
Now here we are. Over the past 5 months a little country called Iran has garnered the attention of not only the U.S. but Russia, China, France, Great Britain, Australia, Italy, Israel and Spain, and yes, even, Germany. The United Nations Security Council has actually been meeting on how to proceed with the 'shocking announcement' that Iran is restarting its nuclear program. Restarting huh? Then today, they announce that they have mid-range missiles? Wow, that was a quick restart!
My take on it all is that the U.S. and for that matter the western world has been worried about Iran for 20 years now! That is why father Bush tried to get in there when he did. Bin Laden actually helped us out so we could go after him in Afghanistan. GWB did what his father couldn't and put our presence right next door to Iran! We are moving troops from Vietnam and Germany to the Persian Gulf area as I type. Why? Hussein is gone. And what about N. Korea? I know, they aren't a threat to Israel and oil, but what about the western U.S.? I think Iran has been building a nuclear program since the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei regime began. It has taken us 20+ years to diplomatically get into position to do something with him. It will be an interesting next few months as more of the world shifts its collective focus from Iraq to Iran.

Michael, we have long agreed on this. I am not a big fan of Newt GIngrich, but I heard him on TV last night saying that the leader of Iran is our modern day Hitler. Everyone on the show agreed. A poll that was recently done was also released saying that 91% of Americans fear an attach from terrorists will be sponsored by Iran. 73% of the American people believe the use of military force is justified to eleminate any nuclear capabilities in Iran. GWB and the administration have not made one single speech or effort to ratchet up support, and already 73% believe we need to act. I say within six months the world will respond militarily (even if it is a military blockade of the country and its exports). I think we will be hearing a great deal about this Tuesday evening the the State of the Union
I personally think the real reason for the war in Iraq is to get an early jump on Belgium. They've been so quiet and rich for so long... they must be planning something... :)
Seriously though, I think we talked about this ages ago, and you told me this theory then, and it only ever looks to be more plausible.
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