Not OK anymore

Now I'm back in OK after 10 years on the left coast, but I'm still not 'OK'...we'll see how life in the middle of the country treats us. Keep checking for life updates and musings...

Friday, March 07, 2008

What in the World?

Some days I read some-thing that makes me just scratch my head. Today was one of those days. I just ran across this headline and find it to be suitable for a blog post, "Padded Lampposts Tested in London to Prevent Cell Phone Texting Injuries".

We've discussed this similar theme here, and here, but this is beginning to get crazy. This idea is happening because people are texting enough and running into light poles, and obviously getting hurt, thus the needed padding! I have so many questions...first, if they are running into light poles, what about running into other people? Second, where do I need to stand to watch this spectacle? That would be a good time! Finally, could this be possibly leading to the outlandish idea created in this wonderful masterpiece?

I don't know where we are heading (and neither do they), but it used to be a joke that one couldn't walk and chew gum...obviously that is closer to reality that once thought...


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