Not OK anymore

Now I'm back in OK after 10 years on the left coast, but I'm still not 'OK'...we'll see how life in the middle of the country treats us. Keep checking for life updates and musings...

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Still Not OK, but OK soon...

Confusing enough? Well, I don't know what I'm going to call this now, but I wanted to inform the reading few that Tara and I have decided to make a large transition. We are moving to Yukon, Oklahoma! Now before this sounds too crazy, here is the back story. My good friend was offered and accepted the Vice President of Student Development job at my alma mater, Southern Nazarene University. He created a position that I knew I would like so I applied and got an offer to be the Associate Dean of Student Development. After much prayer and consideration, Tara and I decided we should make this move, all be it kicking and screaming away from the beach and beautiful Malibu.

We made this decision for a number of reasons, job promotion, closer to my entire immediate family (30 minutes max to any of them), commute time/time with family/slower pace of life (6 minute commute vs 1 hour in LA traffic), we can buy a home(close on Friday, July 11th), and Tara can stay at home if she likes (we are due the 2nd week of November with our second.

The downside is leaving probably one of the most beautiful places in the world, leaving a great job and university, farther from Tara's family, and farther from good friends.

At the end of the day, though, this move makes a lot of sense. Will it be a tough transition, yes. But we know it is the right thing to do a this season of our life. We have lived on a college campus all of our married life, and if you include our years in college Tara has lived on campus since 1995 and I have since 1993! That is 15 years living in the 'college bubble'. It will be nice to finally have a home of our own, with non college neighbors. For me, it is also nice to go 'home'. Being close to my parents, my sister and brother-in-law and nephew, and brother and sister in law will be a blessing! Also raising Caleb in an environment (not weather) that is more in line with our ethos will be nice as well. The school district we moved into is one of the best in the area.

We hope to have told most of you in person before this but the time had come to update this! Hopefully, with the extra 10 hours a week I gain in commute, I will be more diligent with this site and keep you all up to date with video/pic/and story. This site was started a little over 2 years ago chronicalling Tara's pregnancy. I hope to get back to that as well!


Blogger Beth said...

Congratulations on the new job and exciting move! We look forward to more frequent blog posts, but wonder how much of that new found time will be spent doing yard work!! :-) Enjoy your new home.

10:42 AM  
Blogger nicole said...

congrats two-times over!

first for the move and new job! california is a hard place to leave, but it sounds like this will be perfect.
secondly, for being pregnant with a sibling for caleb :)

you guys will be in my prayers during this transition.

10:04 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

yeah michael! you are going to do such a great job. they are lucky to have you. you will be missed!

7:13 PM  
Blogger Lynnea said...

I was wondering about your blog name the other day... :)

Glad it is all coming together. I guess I can't complain since we moved first, but we will miss sharing the coast with you!

11:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

found your blog

6:28 PM  
Blogger Robyn said...

found your blog - sorry wasn't trying to leave an anonymous comment!

6:29 PM  
Blogger Robyn said...

found your blog - sorry wasn't trying to leave an anonymous comment!

6:29 PM  

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