On Monday, April 6, 2009, Caleb turned 3!! I know people say it all the time, but oh how time flies. Tara and I were thinking back over the three years and all the changes both with our family and with Caleb. Having Nathan has also helped us think back to Caleb and the developmental changes. It is fun to look back at the flickr photo album and see Caleb's growth and development. For those who know him, you know he has always been very verbal. He is actually spelling words now! Pretty crazy for a three year old. Car, Dog are his standbys, but more crazy is how he knows the sounds the letters make and can tell you what letter almost any word starts with. I'm hoping to get some of this
"hook-ed on F-Honics work-ed fo meh!" on video soon.
We had a great birthday party (rivaling my best parties, and again he is just three!) We had about 30 people in our modest home and ha
d a super time. Below are a few of the pics from the fun. More will be added to the flickr album on the left.
The first three years have been such a blessing...trying at times, but a blessing none the less. Caleb is a GREAT boy and we can't imagine life without him!
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