Home stretch: Beginning Week 31
Wednesdays are the days that Tara begins a new week of pregnancy. For those out there who may not know, pregnancy last 40 weeks. As a tangent, in Monday's birthing class, we were shown a video on induction. During the video the researcher said that actually a majority of first time pregnancies are longer than 40 weeks. When our facilitator said this, I became "that guy" and asked the logical question, "So if a 'majority' of first time pregnancies are longer than 40 weeks, why isn't the count 41? From a statistical standpoint shouldn't the middle of the bell curve be where the majority have their child?" Of course this was a little too confusing for many, and the facilitator humored me by saying something to the effect, "That is a good point, maybe 40 is just easier." But I really know she was thinking, "What are you talking about, and who are you anyway, Rainman?" Which I'm not BTW. I just think literally.
Anyway, today, we begin week 31. 30 down, 10 to go. To say the least this is where the waiting game begins. I am more ready than Tara; I wish we would have our baby tomorrow! We are ready. As my friend Chris V. told his wife, "Walking into their middle room, I couldn't believe it. It is like there should already be a baby there." We have painted the room a khaki color, put together the crib and changing table. I built a desk into a closet to save space, and we even have started our library of kids books! We purchased a glider and already have enough clothes to cover our son until he turns one, thanks to Tara's mom's best friend Tonya!
As you can see, we have chosen a Winnie the Pooh theme and are going with more primary colors. This is something that we both like, pink and blue are nice, but we like the primaries. We have a nice lamp and also were given a great swing and 'jumping apparatus' or a "bouncer". We are pretty set. It will actually be difficult to register because we already have so much stuff!
Each Wednesday, it is my plan to give updates and pictures. We start here, in the early third trimester. From the front, and in black, you can't see much. The baby is actually about 3-4 pounds by now. We will know a little more come Friday when we have our second ultrasound.
I love ultrasounds. I know there are those out there who remember the old days when there were still surprises, but it is amazing to see the child inside Tara! It makes it that more real. Sure, we can feel him move, but seeing is wonderful. We already know from the first that it is a boy, but me being the skeptic, will want more evidence. Stay tuned, there is a 10 percent chance the tech read the last ultrasound wrong and we could be having a girl! From the side you can get a better idea of the belly. Again, black is definitely a slimming color, but this is what Tara was wearing today, and I learned long ago, not to ask for an outfit change. That may induce a "clothes crisis" which for those of you who haven't experienced it, lets just say it isn't much fun. So for today, black will have to do.
Well, that is pretty much it for this one. Stay tuned next Wednesday for another update. Maybe, just maybe we will have a good ultrasound picture or two. Also, I will start now and mention the nice, soft, red shirt that Tara has. Maybe by Wednesday, I can talk her into wearing that one!

Each Wednesday, it is my plan to give updates and pictures. We start here, in the early third trimester. From the front, and in black, you can't see much. The baby is actually about 3-4 pounds by now. We will know a little more come Friday when we have our second ultrasound.

Well, that is pretty much it for this one. Stay tuned next Wednesday for another update. Maybe, just maybe we will have a good ultrasound picture or two. Also, I will start now and mention the nice, soft, red shirt that Tara has. Maybe by Wednesday, I can talk her into wearing that one!
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