It has been a month between updates and there is much to update! Shortly after the last post we took our annual January ski vacation to our condo in CO. We went with the same crew as last year, minus Dan and Lynnea, but adding Scott, Cambra and Will Strawn, and Grandma and Grandpa Mize, to help babysit! We had a great time as always in beautiful Summit County. Like last year we went to three places, Keystone, Vail and Breckenridge. I would categorize the trip for Chuck, Heather, Michael and me with one word...jumping! I know I have never jumped so much on skis. We were in the air A LOT and some of us failed to land many times. I'm hoping to get a hard copy of one of the most amazing jumps/landing EVER. Stay tuned...
Good thing is nobody got injured. We had a great trip. The photo album on the left has some newly added pics from out trip. After we got back to Cali, Tara and I hit the ground running as we began the selection process for next years student leaders in our offices. The past three weeks have been spent interviewing and selecting leaders. Mix in to that a 24 hour stomach flu that all three of us came down with and it was a busy time, working, going to the doctor, the pharmacy and sick in bed! We are all healthy now, but during the past week, Caleb had what I would call his first injury. He was crawling around in the bathroom and while trying to pull himself up on the wall, slipped and hit his face on the metal stopper for our shower door. There are a few new pics in the album showing his big scrape! He actually bled for a little bit, and cried for longer. It was sad, but he falls so much now it is becoming common place. Tara and I are definitely in trouble and foresee many trips to the emergency room in his life time!

In the photo album, you will also see Caleb eating his first apple. Tara was eating it initially, but he crawled over stood up and insisted on taking a bite. That bite led to him commendeering the apple for himself! He LOVED it. This weekend, Grandma Mize came down for the long weekend. It is great to have her here as Tara and I are able to get away a bit for movies and such. Also, it has been nice because Caleb has been teething all week. He now has two more teeth to show for it, but like his other teething experiences, he doesn't sleep well. Tara and I were exhausted by Friday, so having someone around to help over the weekend has been a lifesaver!
Make sure to check out the new pics in the album on the left. More will come soon, hopefully....
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