America: Where people are sick and Pigs are scared!

Now being a former pig farmer (I use this in those uncomfortable get to know you games, or random trivia about yourself contests), I do realize first hand that disease spreads VERY quickly through swine heards. (We had a pretty bad case of roto virus in our heard and lost almost a third of the litters one spring.) But as a few have noticed, here and here maybe this thing is a little blown out of proportion. Now the pig farmers are not only standing up against the name (which has been formally changed to protect the pigs to H1N1), they are banning the disease carrying humans from the farms. Good for them. They should get some of this press and 15 minutes of fame!
Finally, let's keep in mind that in one week in our country, this 'pandemic' still hasn't even doubled in size. Compared to not only the common flu, or if you think about summers past, West Nile, Bird Flu, or SARS, this is a pebble in the proverbial pond of humanity. But, I do have my mask ready and have passed them out to my co-workers because I like to always be prepared! (Disclaimer: I do feel very sad about the individuals and their families that have been or are directly impacted by this, and do not minimize what they are going through)
Hilarious! I'm with you 100%. I even joked about it at the doctor's office yesterday and so did the doctor. I love that the innocent little piggys who got such a bad rap are now being protected. Pork rules, flu or no flu!
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