Will It Never End?
I'm feeling down today. I thought maybe it is because I'm catching something. It seems like everyone around me is sick right now. Maybe it is because I had a late night at work yesterday. But then I ran across this article/video: "Punxsutawney Phil: 6 more weeks of winter"
Now it all makes sense! I was hoping beyond hoping that our winter would end. It is really difficult going through the winter months and not seeing 75 degrees on a day to day basis! Really, last evening when I was going home after our 2 1/2 hour Student Government meeting, it was actually 48 degrees! That's right you didn't read that wrong. Today's high is only going to be 68...FAHRENHEIT!
I don't know what is more disturbing: The fact that we celebrate a rodent on this day every year, or the fact that lots of people stay up all night waiting to see if this rodent sees his shadow. I understand tradition and all, but this takes me back to another soap box that I find myself on quite often. This event lost merit when the flight to the sunbelt became popular. Does anyone 10 hours south and west of this tree stump even care? And if not, then why does this warrant national media? Moreover, why is the current 'Midwest' still named that? It was given that name over 200 years ago when the 'west' was the great Mississippi river. To my recollection the west is now CA, WA, and that other state in between. Technically speaking, the Midwest would be CO. And OH and IN would be the middle east! But as this event today shows, we are still stuck with traditions 200 years old.
So I guess I will have to continue to choose the wool blend polo shirt over the rayon for 6 more weeks. This winter thing is not fun in sunny southern CA!
Now it all makes sense! I was hoping beyond hoping that our winter would end. It is really difficult going through the winter months and not seeing 75 degrees on a day to day basis! Really, last evening when I was going home after our 2 1/2 hour Student Government meeting, it was actually 48 degrees! That's right you didn't read that wrong. Today's high is only going to be 68...FAHRENHEIT!
So I guess I will have to continue to choose the wool blend polo shirt over the rayon for 6 more weeks. This winter thing is not fun in sunny southern CA!
If you can tell me why Kentucky and Missouri are considered part of "the South", but Florida is not (Ok, I'll give you that Florida is just a part of Long Island that broke off and drifted down), why Idaho is the Northwest but Montana is not, and why just west of Hawaii is the Far East, then I'll answer your question.
That's exactly my point...I wouldn't tell anyone that, it is tradition speaking. At some point we must rise up, be forward thinkers and overcome this oppression :)
Michael, get over it.
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