Caleb turned 11 months this week. One month to go and he will have a real number for an age. Pretty crazy how fast this year has gone! A few months ago, Caleb wasn't too much into books, but within the past 4 weeks, he LOVES them. Every night we read at least 5 board books to him before bed. He really likes them. What is crazy is that he already has books he likes and doesn't like. AND pages he likes and doesn't like. We skip over those pages so he doesn't get too distracted. The book I'm reading in this picture is one of the ones he doesn't like. We only read it once a week.

New pictures are in the album on the left. Make sure to check them out. This one is a favorite as he fell asleep while eating! I don't really know how you can do that, but when nap time comes, it comes with authority! He is finally beginning to sleep better. He is only waking once a night now and sleeping in 5-6 hour stints! Much improvement from his 2-3 hour times for the past 10 months. Also, he is taking longer naps and more closely on schedule. This is helpful as we plan our days. Knowing when he needs a nap is good because before, there wasn't a schedule so we couldn't do much.
Soon there will be some pictures of Caleb at the park. We have discovered a super park through the canyon about 15 minutes from our house. It has a whole play area just for one year olds. Basically everything is shrunk down to his size and he LOVES it! We plan to go there often now, and I'm sure we'll get some great pics.
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