Not OK anymore

Now I'm back in OK after 10 years on the left coast, but I'm still not 'OK'...we'll see how life in the middle of the country treats us. Keep checking for life updates and musings...

Monday, May 04, 2009

Nathan is Growing Up

Originally uploaded by Houstons
Post three of the "April catchup" begins with Nathan. In April he has had some major milestones. He has had his two bottom, middle teeth come in (haven't been able to catch them on camera just yet). He also has perfected the art of rolling over, and over, and he is mobile. This is fun, but also we must now be strategic with where we put him because he will travel to where and what he wants. He has a few new sounds, and laughs a lot more now than last month. And he smiles at almost anybody now to get a smile back! He is now on solids and his diet includes rice cereal, peas, prunes, green beans, sweet potatoes :), and apple sauce. Caleb was and has always been a good eater in that he will eat everything, just in smaller amounts. Nathan, on the other hand is putting the food away at a great rate, and at a younger age by a month or so than Caleb.

Caleb of course is loving being a big brother. He is all about helping out with Nathan, and even has been able to sooth him when he is fussy. He really loves to hold Nathan, and we have to constantly tell him he cannot pick him up just yet. Caleb also LOVES helping daddy with the yard work. There are new pics in the flickr album on the left showing Caleb helping 'mow' the yard! He has helped plant flowers, spray the weeds in the front yard, pick up old leaves, and now mow. He is ALL BOY and loves to get dirty!

All in all April was a GREAT month for the Houstons. We are very blessed and are looking forward to a great summer of travel and family and friends!


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