Today, for the first time in our marriage, Tara and I hosted Christmas in our home. We have celebrated seven December 25ths together before this year, and never hosted it. Our first Christmas (Version '00) we celebrated together in our home in Seattle, just the two of us. Since then we have celebrated in Colorado twice, OK twice, and the Bay Area Twice. This year, with the blessing of our
new home in Malibu, we decided that we had the space and invited both sets of family to come and enjoy the holiday together.
A blessing Tara and I have is that our parents get along. This is the third time we have had a combined Christmas and each has been wonderful.
My sister Lacy, her husband Bryan, and my nephew Cole came out last Wednesday and flew out today, just after we finished opening presents. My parents and 'adopted sister', Relva drove out in
the new RV and arrived early Sunday morning and will be staying until Thursday. Tara's brother Colin arrived in the middle of the night Christmas Eve/Christmas morn and Tara's parents arrived mid morning today and will stay through Thursday.
Christmas with
little ones is amazing. Cole and Caleb are still about one year from completely grasping the day, but they enjoyed their new gifts. It was also, just nice having family together and in our home. Again, this is a blessing because in today's age I seem to hear about people complaining about having a full house more than celebrating it. We definitely had/have a full house and it is great! It does make me wish that we were closer to immediate family. Just seeing Caleb and Cole playing together is a special treat.
All in all, it was perfect. As I was driving Lacy, Bryan and Cole back to the airport I reflected that this was the first Christmas I have spent in So. Cal. It is definitely a different experience being 72 and sunny on December 25th...but the reason for the season isn't dictated by the weather...and today was glorious!