Not OK anymore

Now I'm back in OK after 10 years on the left coast, but I'm still not 'OK'...we'll see how life in the middle of the country treats us. Keep checking for life updates and musings...

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Playing at the Park

Playing at the park
Originally uploaded by Houstons
Caleb is growing up! It is amazing that he is not a baby anymore, rather a little boy! He has been talking for a long time now and we take it for granted sometimes but he still amazes us. Other parents at the park guess he is 2 1/2 and are shocked when we say he is only 22 months. With the words come opinions and emotions (I know a shocker with his parents and all) so we are having to begin to navigate his emotions :)

There are a bunch of new pics in the photo album on the left. I will also be putting up some videos hopefully before the end of the weekend. All in all we are doing great.

Monday, February 11, 2008

This Would Be Fun

Check out the YouTube video of a real live social experiment put on in Grand Central Station. It is really pretty amazing to not only watch the people doing the experiement but the reaction of those around them.

This takes me back to my days as an undergrad when in a Sociology class we were asked to do a social norms experiment and report back. The creativity of a college student is fun to see and I can remember some of the students 'projects'. A couple of my favorites were two guys sitting on the tables in the Caf for meals that day instead of the chairs, a girl intentionally standing close to people when speaking to them, and one of my favorites (which I do sometimes in crowded places) walking "in peoples walking lanes" (you know how you pick out a path when walking in the mall and it irks you when someone walks in your path). Anyway, this video took me back to that. My project, btw, was going down town and riding in the elevators of the high rise buildings...except, I would get on and go stand in the corner like I was in trouble. It was fun!

Friday, February 01, 2008

Well that took long!

Less than 4 days. That is what it took for someone to rob LA's pot machines.

Men Rob Marijuana Machine at Gunpoint

Really who couldn't see this coming?