Not OK anymore

Now I'm back in OK after 10 years on the left coast, but I'm still not 'OK'...we'll see how life in the middle of the country treats us. Keep checking for life updates and musings...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

New Stuff Everywhere!!!

This is the one of many posts tonight. Make sure to scroll down and read them all...also make sure the check out the new videos on the youtube link on the left. Enjoy :)

28 weeks

tara 28 weeks
Originally uploaded by Houstons
Taken today, we are in the 28th week. Everything checked out fine at the Dr. appointment this week. We now are going every two weeks until the final month! Definitely the home stretch.

The due date is November 16th, but because we have to have a C-section (Caleb was an emergency C) we settled on the date for this one. Tuesday, November 11th will be the day. 11/11/08 (easy for Dad to remember :) Hopefully this one won't come as early as Caleb though and make it to week 39 :) We are starting to get REALLY excited, but still not even close on a name. We have the middle and last name picked, but not the first! Any and all suggestions are welcome.

Again, sorry for the drought, but now there WILL be at least a weekly pregers update. Also, check out many more pics on the left. I also have quite a few videos I will be trying to get up very soon on YouTube, so keep checking back.

Tara 25 weeks

tara 25 weeks
Originally uploaded by Houstons
NotOKAnymore was created over two years ago as a way to keep everyone up to date on our first pregnancy with Caleb. Well now, #2 (hee hee hee) is on the way. This is a picture of the beginning of the final trimester for us. Tara really just started showing around the 22nd week, but now is getting closer and bigger every day.

All in all this has been a great pregnancy, just like the first. Although chasing Caleb around has made for some more fatigue, no morning sickness and not too many weird cravings has been a blessing!

Cute Boy

cute boy
Originally uploaded by Houstons
We are alive and well in OK. I just uploaded over 20 new pics to the online photo album. Click on the link on the left to see them. More post coming soon...within minutes actually. I am going to get back to weekly pregers updates as well. Enjoy!!


I know it has been a while since any posts, but with the move and August (the craziest time of the year for my profession), I haven't been able to get up and going. Now though, I think I'm back. I plan on reviving the weekly pics and updates of Tara's pregnancy (which is how this whole thing started btw), but first I couldn't pass this up.

"9 Year Old Kicked Out of League Because He Is Too Good". Yes you read that right. Maybe you have heard or maybe you haven't but the high level summary is that this kid pictured is a 9 year old and the powers that be in his youth league have said he cannot finish the season and his team is to be disbanded (they are 8-0 with only a few games left to play btw). Too good? Really? How can a kid be punished for being too good? Other reports I've read said that the perennial league champ tried to recruit him away from the team he is on before the season and is throwing a stink because they will not win this year.

It all is very messy with lawsuits and such (keep in mind they are 8-10 year olds) but at the base of it all is a trend in our society I find alarming. Schools have outlawed tag, we are encouraged to 'bubble wrap' our children, and cities are padding their lamp posts!

When will it all stop? Is it possible to 'over protect'? I tend to think yes. Do I think that this boy probably should have been in a more competitive league? Yes, but that should have been discussed before the season started, not right before it ends and the 'wrong' team is winning. Finally, kicking him out and dismantling the team, what does that do?

To use a quote from "The Incredibles", "If everybody is special, then nobody is special". Unfortunately, most of the students I work with today have grown up with this societal trend and EXPECT to be treated as "special" and be "protected" from the hard things in life, which btw, I believe often create the best teachable moments!