Not OK anymore

Now I'm back in OK after 10 years on the left coast, but I'm still not 'OK'...we'll see how life in the middle of the country treats us. Keep checking for life updates and musings...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

New Videos and Pics

Two posts tonight. First there are three new videos, so check out the youtube link to see them all. Next check out the next post for a quick update and then the photo album on the left for many new pics! Enjoy...

Riding in the bronco

Riding in the bronco
Originally uploaded by Houstons
Long time no hear...I know I know...sorry for the hiatus. It has been a little crazy finishing the year out and traveling a bit for work and family. But now summer is here and life is slower...kinda ;)

The terrible twos are in full force and mom and dad are just trying to keep up with the boy! Caleb has a new found love and it is close to his dad's heart...the bronco! Caleb LOVES riding in the truck and we do it probably 3 times a week...which at 10 miles to the gallon, downhill with the wind, is pretty pricey in todays market...but hey, it makes him happy and it is good bonding time. The other day he wanted to "look under there daddy" so I lifted the hood and he can now identify the fan, battery, spark plug wires, radiator and air filter! Gotta love old cars, they are easy to work on and describe :)

There are a bunch of new pics from the past month. Most have captions so I will not go into explaining here. Check out the flickr album on the left and enjoy.