Lots of new Stuff!!
As promised, there is a bunch for your viewing pleasure. 5 new videos are up in the youtube library. Nathan makes three appearances, trying to play catchup with Caleb. Caleb sings two new songs. He is quite the singer right now! There are also more pics added to the flickr page.
There are some Colorado pics from my trip to the condo a week and 1/2 ago. Colin and I climbed 4 (3 different) 14ers. We also hiked the Lillypad trail from beginning to end. The Aspen photos are from that hike, and the rocky photos from the top of the world :)
We are doing great. It is amazing that Nathan is almost 1. He is changing so much right now! Caleb is loving school and as you can see from the videos, has a love for singing now.
We hope you are doing well and if we haven't talked in a while, let's catch up!