Yes we are still alive. I know it has been three months since any updates, and much has happened during that time frame. I'll try to post a few tonight but most all the photos, (over 50) are on the flickr page to the left.
You may or may not have heard about our Christmas Eve Blizzard that shut the whole state down. We got 14 inches in about 8 hours with 40-50 mph winds. The drifts were 4-6 feet in places. We were out at the farm celebrating Christmas that morning and decided we should head back to our house because by this time, all the interstates in OK were closed. The 25 mile drive took two hours and God sent an angel in the form of a snow plow for the last half of the drive which by far was the worst.

The snow plow actually got stuck a mile from our house but we tredged along. When we got to our street, two cars were already stuck at our intersection in a drift over both of their hoods, so we had to go around the block. Coming up to our drive our driveway was 4 feet deep all the way across so I gunned it up and over the curb and into the neighbors yard where our Montero Sport sat for two days, until the thaw began.
It was great though because we were completely snowed in for 24 hours on Christmas day none the less. The snow is still melting, but we did get to build our version of a 'snow man' honoring Caleb's favorite show, "Dinosaur Train" this is Morris the Stegosaurus.

This is what you can do with a 4 foot drift, maybe more carving than building but fun for the whole family! Caleb says Morris scares the monsters and icky things away so they don't come into our house. I don't know what is going to happen when he is completely melted, which will still be another week or so.