I Think I Will Try Out the "Blogging Thing"
The boys are growing up. Caleb turned four a week ago. He is finishing up his first year of preschool, which he LOVES. He got a bike from Grandma and Grandpa Mize for his special day and we take daily bike rides around the block now (with only a few accidents to date). He got a fishing pole from Grandma and Grandpa Houston and is
asking daily when we will go fishing (which will hopefully be catching :).
Nathan, is 17 months old and full of energy. He has been so mobile for so
long. He climbs, runs, dribbles anything resembling a ball, and calls everything Ba, Ball, BAAA, etc. They are so fun watching play together, finally :).
There are many new pics uploaded from the past three weeks. Tara's parents were here for a week and a half and we had a wonderful time. They got to celebrate Easter with the boys, Caleb's B-day and both boys dedication at church.
We all are glad that spring is finally here and look forward to much more outdoors without gloves, hats and scarves!