Week 32 has come upon us quickly. Tara began the day responding to an incident at 3 a.m. She is on duty this week so she "gets the opportunity" to respond to campus incidents this week. After that wrapped up, she was informed that there was a fire reported 5 miles from campus. For those of you not familiar with the area, this is the closest fire we have had to us in the four years we've been here. However, the fire only reached about 40 or so acres before water dropping helicopters were able to help ground crews get it under control. Also, the winds had died down earlier this morning which helped keep the flames from moving to aggressively through the hills. In the background of the picture you can see the top of a ridge. From up there the fire could be seen. That is how close/lucky we were this time.
You can see from the pics here that Tara is starting to get bigger. What's crazy is to think that the baby will double in size over the next 9 weeks! He currently measures to be about 3 lbs 8 ozs. We have a pretty good face shot from the ultrasound, but I haven't yet scanned it and uploaded it. I will post that soon.
Hopefully the ultrasound will reveal that your son looks more like your wife than you.
We can always pray, right?
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