A Complexity of Issues

I'm a Giants fan and a Barry Bonds fan. And those who know me well, know where I stand on him. Today I read a very interesting article, "Barry vs. The Babe". Overall, I agree with these sentiments, particularly the last paragraph that Bonds is more than race, steroids, public persona. He is an amazing athlete who has been scrutinized his whole career. Why should anything change now?
And before my friend Brian goes posting some drivel about roids, I say again...Where is Sammy? Where is Raffy? Where is Mark? Where is Canseco? They all spiraled to the ends of their careers VERY QUICKLY upon 'taking roids' or some other enhancing substance. To my recollection, Bonds is still playing, and his numbers after his return from injury last season were the same they had been the past 4 seasons. Which one of these isn't like the other? Bonds. Why hasn't he tailed off like his compatriots, who we either know have or are presumed to have taken something? I'll let you answer that!
I'm fine with Bonds as an outstanding athelete--unsportsmanlike attitude and all--as long as an asterisk appears beside his name in all the record books.
Michael... I'd be pissed if I were you because Barry snowed fans just like you. He, like Sammy, Raffy, Mark and Jose, use roids. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=2358236
'Nuff Said
Glad to see that Bond's body isn't starting to break down after years of steroid use... http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=2385102
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