The Truth About Cats and Dogs

In my experience, dogs have become more prominent in our society in recent years. When we were in Seattle, we experienced a culture shock every time we walked down the street on Queen Anne hill. Outside of nearly every shop, restaurant, bar, or other establishment was a bowl of water for the dogs to drink. Many places even had free dog treats that owners could ask for and give to their dog. This made me remember back to my mom always asking the bank for a sucker or lollipop when I was a child. Tara and I often commented that many peoples' dogs were treated as good or better than children. Grooming salons, doggie boutiques, doggie couture (for those of you who don't live on a coast or watch Queer Eye, that basically means fashion) doggie gourmets, and dog parks have become the rage. All this for man's best friend!
Now back to lunch today. Malibu isn't that different when it comes to dogs. The pet store is extremely overpriced but people still pay the money to usher in a new member of the family. Today, while a few of us from the office went to a favorite burrito establishment, we encountered man's best friend.

This leads me to an interesting conundrum: If dogs are like children to people, do you treat them like somebody else's child in public? What is the average person to do in this situation. No lie, the dog barked for some 15 - 20 minutes while the owner was in line. We left before she came back out because it was so annoying! If someone's child was left at a table crying hysterically, we probably would have sought out the mom. Should we have done the same for the dog? One of my co-workers said, "Leave your dog in the car!" Can she? Is that a crime like leaving your baby in the car? Again, I love dogs, but this situation was ridiculous!
So, to the lady with the little white dog, please buy a muzzle or stay with your pet. And to those out there with any insight on how to better handle situations like these, please post comments!
No joke. I wanted to kick that thing. and Michael is right, I love dogs - I've made 2 trips this week to the overpriced Malibu pet store just to hold puppies. (I'm also the nerd who identified the breed so Michael could find that rad Bischon site). He didn't mention that this woman was WAVING at her yappy dog from inside the restaurant. And this is just one of the reasons today's lunch was one of the most annoying ones ever...
absolutely the most annoying dog of all time. It had a giant rouind tuft of puffy white frizz on its head, and a extremely large nose, even for a bischon. I mean, the actual circumference of the nose was large - not the length (or depth) of the snout. And that dog howled for 40 minutes (which is how long it took the fine staff of La Salsa to concoct one burrito). I wanted to drop kick that thing right into the giant mexican man that hovers over the building.
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