Not OK anymore

Now I'm back in OK after 10 years on the left coast, but I'm still not 'OK'...we'll see how life in the middle of the country treats us. Keep checking for life updates and musings...

Friday, February 10, 2006

God's Gift To Man

(Warning the following may not be suitable for minors, nursing mothers, or those with aversions to hair) Today, for the first time in over three months, I look like the picture in my bio on this site. For those who haven't seen me or noticed, the guys in our office celebrated fall by growing our own 'fall foliage', or facial hair. I started at the Student Government retreat in late October, and by Thanksgiving, 2005 I had a decent look going. I decided that I would grow it out until Christmas because Tara's family should get the joy of experiencing my first ever facial hair experiment.

The week after Christmas I trimmed it or "groomed" my artwork and decided to keep it until our ski trip to CO in January (see post "Rocky Mountain High"). This was sort of weird because I looked more like Sir Edmund Hillary while skiing because the moisture froze in little droplets on my 'stache and created icicles. I vowed to shave it off after this trip.

However, the week before our trip, I found out that the Student Programming Board at Pepperdine was hosting an event called Pepperdine Moustache Day! Wow, I finally could participate! So, I decided to shave down to a goatee after the trip and wait until Thursday, February 9, 2006. (I did this because my loving wife, Tara, wouldn't let me just sport a 'stache all by itself. I remember her mumbling something about scaring children, but I wasn't paying much attention).

Yesterday, February 9, 2006 was a glorious day. My coworker, Justin Schneider (the good looking guy with the suit) called the moustache at last year's event, "God's Gift To Man". Mustaches were everywhere (or at least on 30 or so faces). What I found intriguing were not only those who participated in the great day, but those who unknowingly were participants! It's amazing what you see when you are looking for 'staches. I never knew so many people wore them. As I said, we had a good core group with all different styles, but there were many guys who walked by going to and from the cafeteria who put us all to shame. Unknowingly, many of us were coveting their facial hair!

Here is the look I had yesterday. I don't really know what I was going for. Some called it the Tom Selleck, some called it the look from the Beastie Boys "sabotage" video. I called it gross! As I said, today I'm clean shaven again. I must admit, though, I'm having a little shavers' remorse! I didn't like the partial facial hair, I like the full beard. Who knows? Today I leave for another Student Government weekend retreat. Maybe by Monday, I'll be back at it again. I do know for sure that the 'fall foliage' will happen. I also know, that for my generation, mustaches should be outlawed!


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