35 days! What seemed so long as a child, is turning into something that is REALLY quickly approaching. Five weeks left (if Tara delivers on her due date), and we are filled with excitement, nervousness, anxiousness, and curiosity to name a few. Tara said last night, in 5 weeks our lives will never be the same. How true! We both are so excited, but a little overwhelmed by the changes that are charging for us, with which at this point we have no control. Like playing hide and seek and hearing "Ready or not here I come!"
We are registered at
Babies R Us (click here), check that off the list. The baby room is put together, check that off the list. We are almost to the point of getting our jobs ready for our short leave, check that off the list. We took our final get away this weekend, check that off the list (more on that in a second). So we feel from one standpoint, pretty ready. But there are millions of other ways that we currently cannot even dream of that will hit us in 35 days, give or take a few!

As I mentioned, we got away one last time, just the two of us. A Graduate Assistant in my office was gracious enough to let us use her family's condo in Carpenteria. It was a very nice, peaceful respite for us, and was only 1/2 a block off the beach! This was a good time for Tara and I to simply just be, with no agenda other than finding food together and walking in and out of the cute shops and stores. It was, though, a little sad, knowing that for the next 20 something years, it will not be this way. We hope it will be better, but we have had a great 5+, almost 6 years together. We have traveled TONS, spent great weekend getaways together, had fun with friends and family, just the two of us. Now, we are going to have to acclimate all this to three! Again we are VERY excited, but the fear of the unknown is there as well.
As you can see, Tara is getting bigger each day. He is still moving and kicking and seems to be EXTREMELY active...hmm what a shock! Next week begins our last month of the pregnancy. Hopefully it continues on as good as the first eight. Next week also brings our first of 4 monthly doctors visits. If we didn't know it was getting close, that would be a telling point.
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