Create the
Baby Pool(pool name watchoutworld)...Check. Register at
Babies-R-Us...Check. Get the car seat...Check. Paint the baby room...Check. Organized baby clothes in baby room...Check. Realize how life is going to change FOREVER in less than 21 days...uh oh!
My friend
Chris V. and I were walking home from work to our
on campus living arrangements, and he said, "Dang it, you're having a baby!" I said, "Why dang it?" And he said (between breathes because we live some 500 feet elevation gain above our offices on Pepperdine's pristine campus), "Everything will be different for you..." and I said, "...and what's crazy is we have absolutely NO control over this decision at this point!"

'Ready or not, here he comes' is the motto I give to the next three weeks of our lives! Tara and I both like control...it is usually the sore spot in our marriage! However, at this point, we have "controlled" nearly everything there is to control with having a baby (even wanting to have one in April because it fits w/ our work the best...yes we are those people!), yet, that doesn't even get close to preparing for this. It is hitting both of us straight in the face now. We are having a baby! A student of ours, Jenna S. has been saying for months now every time she sees me, "You're having a baby!" It has been fun and cute, but now it is scary and unbelievable.
Our weekly doctor's appointments are going well. Everything is progressing nicely. We are simply in the veritable holding pattern waiting for landing. So many questions, so few answers. But one thing is for sure..."Ready or not, here he comes!"
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