"I'm bigger than a basketball!" This is what Tara said tonight while I was taking her picture. As you can see she isn't stretching the truth. Week 37 is just more of the same. Tuesday's doctor's appointment showed that Tara gained nearly 3 lbs last week! Our boy is growing and with that pushing hard on his mom's belly. We had fun the other night playing with him. Typically, he pushes away anything that is crowding him (books resting on her belly, pants, hands, etc.) He likes his space. Also when he is moving and you touch him, he usually will go into stealth mode and act like he isn't there! However, a few nights ago while sitting on the couch I began to push on him while he was moving. I also was talking and he began to push back. I would move to another side and push, and he would move over and push. Sometimes he must have been jumping around or at least moving all limbs at once, as it looked like her belly had an alien in it!

Lately, Tara has begun to walk slower as it is becoming difficult. Also, she is more tired. The 9 months are starting to take their toll. We did have a great weekend of what I call "Showerpalooza"! We had 3.5 showers this weekend. The .5 being a guy night where I received gifts from my guy friends (but is wasn't a boy shower!) The theme of this night was "Get Michael something from sports teams he doesn't like!" We got a Kobe Bryant jersey, an USC and OU onesie, Kentucky Wildcat stuff, Seattle Mariners jogging suit, the other OSU jersey and shorts, etc. Very funny stuff, which our boy will wear one time so we can send a picture to those who purchased the items for us! Other than this however, our friends and family have been more than gracious and we have some great gifts. They all will come in helpful I know!
If you haven't yet, jump into the
Baby Pool! Click the link and type in the name of our pool in the left hand column which is: watchoutworld (with no spaces), and happy picking! Currently people are picking him to come early and be a little bigger than normal. We'll have to see. This Thursday brings our first of two pediatrician appointments where we will pick our doctor. Then Tuesday brings our weekly doctors appointment. After this, we are classified as 'Term' meaning that we are in the normal window (Week 38 and on). As I said last week, March is flying by and April 12th or that exciting day will be here before we know it!
But- What Would Ed Hochuli Do???
Yes Chuck, I thought about putting it in there, as I LOVE it, but was afraid not enough people know who that is!
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