A Step in the Right Direction

For years, I have been wondering how little clothing people will be able to wear in public, and living in Malibu, on the beach, we see less and less every month! It has been rainy out here lately, but on Tuesday last week, the sun came out and it was in the 70's again. I said to Tara, "Today is miniskirt day on campus." The media, in particular, portrays so many unhealthy images of the female body, that I'm glad we had a boy! I can't imagine trying to raise a girl in today's society with all the images out there that are closer to the playboy mansion than the beach!
Cheerleaders play into this, specifically professional ones. All the pro sports leagues talk about their sports needing to draw more families, and they adjust ticket prices, have family friendly seating, etc. As a new parent, I say the pro sports aren't family friendly with all the alcohol advertisements, fans and players spewing obscenities, and cheerleaders not only dressing like garden tools, but dancing like strippers. It is refreshing to see a country try to put a stop to this.
Now, I know that the chance of this happening in our country is about as likely as the Royals winning the pennant this year, but we can hope. Some day it has to swing back closer to the middle. As with all trends, someday turtle necks and long sleeves may come back in style. Then all we have to worry about are the brown dickies under white sweaters...
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