No you are not seeing things...last week my wife was wearing her teal shirt, this week it is her aqua marine shirt! Really, as she says, "At this point only so many clothes are fitting, and this shirt is one of my longer ones, so it works!" And again, I learned long ago not to discuss wardrobe issues in the morning! As for the pregnancy, everything is still super. We had our weekly appointment on Tuesday, and thus far the baby's head is down, but not dropped. He is not in the pelvis yet, which our doctor says is a little unusual being we are two weeks out. He said that typically, babies are starting to drop by now, but ours hasn't really moved. He gave two reasons, one being that he simply isn't ready and could be late, second being he is large! Needless to say, Tara didn't like the second suggestion...but as I have been saying, I think that could be right on. Anyway, life is still good, a little surreal in that in two weeks, we will more likely than not have a baby. We still can't wrap our minds around this one. :)

As for the title of this post, on Tuesday, Tara washed most of our baby clothes in the free and clear detergent (so the chemicals don't react with his delicate skin). I chuckled when I saw a bag filled with teenie-weenie baby socks. I asked her how much fun it was to sort through them and match them up. She said it wasn't bad, but I think it took her back to her childhood playing 'memory' with cards, you know the game where you turn them all over and match them up by turning two over at a time? I can picture Tara, her grandma, and aunt with the socks laid out on the couch saying, "Here's one with a puppy with a baseball hat, where again was it's match? Nope that just has baseballs, this one is a bear kicking a soccer ball. That one is a basketball, oh wait, there is the puppy with the baseball hat, where was that again?" Yet another reason parenthood is so difficult. I'll take my 10 pairs of white tube socks any day!
I can only hope to look this great when I'm 8.5 months pregnant. Every woman should be so lucky...
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