Probably the most unexpected thing about having a new child is how fast time goes. Going from feeding to feeding, or in Caleb's case, 3-4 hours at a time, really makes days go by so fast! Both Tara and I can't believe how quickly this first month has gone. With newborn babies, you measure time in weeks, so this last Saturday, was one month old, but his 'weeks age' is on Thursdays. I still haven't figured it out yet in that he is 4 weeks old on Thursday, one month old on Saturday, but there are 4 weeks in a month, but 30 or 31 days in a month, but 7 days a week times 4 equals 28, oh, it just makes my head hurt. No wonder a mom told us her little one was 21 months old, yet another mom said her's was 6 weeks. I guess around the two to 3 month time we will start using months, then not until 2 years will we use years. Then, when do we start using quarter centuries? But I digress...

Back to Caleb. As I said, on Saturday he was 4 weeks plus 3 days old, or a month. We met my Aunt Jean and her family out in Glendora for a Caleb's first picnic. It was fun because my sister, Lacy, and parents were here so it was a mini-family reunion. Lacy brought Caleb his first pair of shades and being a California boy, he sure looks right at home with them on! We had a great time at the park, and Caleb slept right through it all, mostly in the arms of his second cousin Stephanie! (You can see more pics in the photo album on the left.)
Grandma and Grandpa Houston left on Sunday, Lacy left this morning, so now it is back to the three of us. We are settling in well. Caleb is a great baby. I have said it before but keep saying it because I keep waiting for him to turn into me or his mom, when we were babies. But so far so good! On Friday, he went to the Reagan Library and got a sticker for his baby book's first museum page :)! On Saturday went to his first park. Saturday night he got to meet Will,
Scott and Cambra's boy, at
"The Counter". On Sunday went to Church and Baja Fresh. It was a busy weekend, but a good one.
Today, I think he was missing the fact that Grandma and Grandpa, and Aunt weren't around. He didn't want to be put down. He would fuss, and as soon as someone picked him up, he went back to sleep! I came home at lunch, had a quick bite with Tara, then held him until I had to leave at one so Tara could take a shower! All in all though we are acclimating to the new parent thing great.
I'm back at work now, so that brings a new adjustment. It was such a blessing to be able to be home for the first month! Also, having all the family and friends around was amazing. And the meals! Our freezer is STILL full, so thanks to all you who provided. One month down, many more to go. I wouldn't change it for the world, other than trying to figure out the week/month thing...
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