Not OK anymore

Now I'm back in OK after 10 years on the left coast, but I'm still not 'OK'...we'll see how life in the middle of the country treats us. Keep checking for life updates and musings...

Monday, May 01, 2006

Week Four

Caleb is a good sleeper, as babies go that is. He makes it roughly 4 hours between feedings which typically means midnight, 4 a.m. then 8 a.m. So all in all, we can't complain too much about sleep. This of course is coming from dad who only has to wake up for 5 minutes to change him, while mom is awake a little longer feeding him.

Operation "Grandparents Houston" is well underway and going great! They have been a huge help already and Caleb really enjoys them. I think he was a little confused at first not quite knowing why Grandpa looked so much like dad, sounded like dad, but wasn't dad! Last night, Caleb had some bad gas, and grandpa held him/slept with him on the couch from 1-5 a.m.! That was super so we could get our sleep.

We made it to church last week, but this week we were just too tired. We did get out in the afternoon to take Caleb to Chevy's Mexican Grill, Target and Babies 'R Us for the first time! He did great. While at Babies 'R Us, Tara and I were looking to exchange our Baby Bjorn for a different color. My mom came up asking for the pacifier and I heard this loud cry. I asked, "Is that Caleb?" Sure enough it was. He was ready to eat. So Tara took him to the glider section, set down in one and fed him (covered btw). That is a plus to breast always have it wherever you are!

Sorry for the long delay in updating the photo album and this blog. Last week was a little crazy, but now we are back to normal. Saturday will bring his one month b-day, and more pics so don't forget to check back then.


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