The past two weeks have flown by. Heather and Michael Powell visited two weekends ago and Caleb was very hospitable to them! There is a great picture of Heather and Caleb in the photo album on the left. This past weekend was great because Great Grandma Albi came and spent the night on Friday. She also spent most of the day Saturday spoiling Caleb :)

Caleb is doing great. He is on the back end of a 4-6 day growth spurt in which he ate every hour and half to two hours. My guess is he is now well over 12 pounds and 24 inches long or (two feet tall). As you can see from the recent pics in the photo album, he is becoming more and more alert. He has always been an alert baby, but now he is starting to engage more with his surroundings. He loves bright colors and his play toy suits him well. He likes his mobile and swing and ANYTHING red! (He takes after his aunt Relva in that category! :)
This week should be pretty normal, but next will hold his first big trip. We leave on Thursday, the 29th for Colorado and will be gone for 10 days. We will see both sets of grandparents and other family and friends. It will definitely be an adventure as Tara and I try to navigate airports with a third party!
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