7 Weeks

Seven weeks has come and gone, and we are moving head long into eight! It is amazing how time flies. Caleb is continuing to grow very quickly. He is at least 10.5 lbs, probably a little closer to 11. He has really started to focus on objects. He will follow a person across a room. He loves the swing and the moving mobile above it. We even put a "Leap Frog" singing animal on his car seat so he has something colorful to look at while riding!
There are some new pics in the album to the left. They are very cute (at least I think so). The two-pic sequence where he is sitting, then not, were taken about 1 second a part. He was upright, then he chose to dive into the couch! :) He is getting so strong, however, that we don't have to worry about his head bobbling around any more. He is also starting to manage his gas better, which makes for less fussing! He definitely got his Grandpa Mize's hands and gas problem. (Or 'uncle' Chuck's)
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