One of the Reasons

For those of you who know me, this isn't news to you. For those who don't, I'm a sports junkie. My wife Tara talks about how the only t.v. channels I watch are ESPN, ESPN2, Fox Sports 1&2, TBS or WGN (when the Giants are playing the Braves or Cubs), or TNT (during the NBA playoffs)! I love sports because I love competition. Well, upon moving to California I began down the road of Fantasy Sports! Fantasy sports are DEFINITELY, as Tara would say, one of the reasons why I'm NotOKanymore!
Because I enjoy ESPN so much, I occasionally check out their website. By occasionally, I mean that the ticker is up constantly on my computer, and is my top 'favorite'. One of the contributors that makes me laugh is the SportsGuy, Bill Simmons. Well he just released a piece that is seminal to all those who are dealing with a fantasy sports junkie. So Tara, Cambra, Carrie, Lynnea, and the other significant others of those who play fantasy sports, this is for you:
A Fantasy League for the Females
It is a great read and a great idea! Hey who knows, maybe you all can find a niche and jump into the fantasy waters. As those of us who already play will tell ya, "Hey, the water's warm, come on in!"
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